Thursday, February 13, 2025

1/72 + 28mm = 40k: Save $$$ and make Space Marines feel like Astartes by mixing scales!

What you're about to read is heresy -- the kind that saves money while allowing larger tabletop 40k-ish battles that feel not just fun, but thematically right. 

What am I on about?

Here's an in-progress look at my developing Chaos 40k army. Almost everything is a conversion, kitbash, or scratchbuild -- many of the vehicles are built up from cheap finds at a local thrift store:

From the painting workbench (very WIP): 

When Great Northern War Swedes go very, very wrong.

Wait, how'd those cultists get so small? 

Last year, I started converting cheap 1/72 plastic boxed infantry into 'normal-sized' 40k troops (Imperial Guard, cultists, space rebels, etc.) and fielding them alongside older, 'firstborn,' 28mm Space Marines (or older, smaller Chaos Marines). That is, I'm talking about the original size of Marines before the whole 'Primaris upgrade' thing increased (most) Space Marine models in size to what they probably should have been all along. I'm not the first person on the Web to come up with this idea -- but I'm genuinely surprised at how few people online seem to have tried this. Many have tried their hand at upscaling old Marines into 'true scale' Marines, and I've seen at least one gamer's blog that described using 1/72 minis, individually based, for all 40k infantry (including Space Marines). Instead, my approach combines both scales for a genuinely "true-scale" effect with reduced footprint. Want to play "apocalypse" battles without breaking the bank? Read on. 

This works especially well for games that allow bases/stands with multiple figures (games like Xenos Rampant, Rogue Hammer/Squad Hammer, and some of the Fistful of Lead series, etc., etc.). Note that the popular Grimdark Future/OnePageRules 40k-lite includes advanced tweaks (that are pretty simple, actually) for playing with multi-based units, too; I've played GF this way, and it works fine. 

Now: imagine that one 28mm Space Marine on a normal base gets treated mechanically as a 'counts-as' squad, thus roughly equivalent to the one or two bases of a 1/72-scale mortal infantry unit. Suddenly, a single Space Marine -- already towering just the right amount over mortal troopers -- performs in tabletop battle the way they do in videos like Siama Pedersen's now-iconic Astartes. So, for example, if you are playing Grimdark Future, you buy your not-Space Marine units as usual with points, but you just plop down a single figure to represent it (tracking Tough/wounds until it's gone); to deploy Heroes/Champions, "buy" the Hero and its attached unit for mechanical heft, and just place down a single character model, which now outperforms even the other 'marines' on the table. Put that model up against a full squad of regular Chaos Cultists, and your Astartes champion will behave just likey do in the lore. Speaking of which...


The whole question of Space Marines' size and intimidation factor relative to human 'normies' has exercised a great deal of fan energy and wrath over the years. Let's open with the caveats: official/canonical GW lore puts Marines at about 7-7.5 feet tall, perhaps a bit taller in their armor. Oh, also, all 'official/canonical GW lore' is canonically suspect and open to variation, so headcanon is fine anyway, and all that. Moreover, Space Marines in art and fiction can seem much larger and more imposing than their minis would suggest (especially before the Primaris move). The concept of the Adeptus Astartes has evolved over time, too, with the Marines of the dear old 1e Rogue Trader book being little larger than anyone else -- anyone here remember when the Emperor's Finest were ... itinerant cops policing punk-rock hooliganism on 'Logan's World'? (There was something so cool about that whole ridiculous, derivative part of the book).  

Well, times sure change, huh? From the new Space Marine 2 game: 

Illustration credits: Space Marine 2, Saber, and techradar

I know, I know, this Marine character has crossed the "Rubicon Primaris" (groan) and is now even taller than a Firstborn Marine, so ... except hold up, I think it's uncontroversial to say that most fans see the "Primaris upgrade" as a late GW retcon to support models closer to the 'True Scale" that players had long imagined anyway. 

But the bottom line is that if you ask, "how tall should a Space Marine be relative to normal humans?" answers will vary, and that is perfectly fine

So I'm not here to grumble about what Marines should look like. No, not to grumble ... but perhaps to dream? Rolling for a while with truly superhuman-sized Marines also supports lore elements that emphasize their overwhelming strength and battlefield prowess, their ability to hold out alone against seemingly overwhelming odds ... as they mow through hordes of lesser-statured veteran fighters. Just go watch the Astartes or Secret Level videos again, you know what I'm talking about. 

But as has long been noted with chagrin, Marines on the tabletop just don't match Marines in lore.

Now, I generally don't play official GW rules, anyway, so what am I complaining about? But even with the kinds of indie, flexible, rulesets that do appeal to me, Marines often don't behave or look far beyond "mere" Guards.

Well, now they can: 

Veteran imperial guardsmen before basing. These were 1:72 WW2 American infantry, with helmets, weapons, and (sometimes) tabards modified using Milliput.  

A Guard squad, a single Marine, and some larger vehicles (originally made for Epic 40:000 in 6mm scale, but equally portable here, too)

This works equally well for other "biggies" -- here is a unit of hardened rebel mercenaries standing near a Chaos Ogryn heavy gunner (which was an Ork Boy, kitbashed with various Chaos bits and a Green Stuff cape):

That feller in the back there is Stingboy MacRautha, my Scorpion-Ogre Froggoth Champion. He started life as a thrift store frog-toy and an Ork Nob. Yeah. 

Mixing scales like this has allowed me to have fun with modeling and converting a greater variety of units, little model forces -- suitable for kill teams at the skirmish level -- that can still pack a rewarding punch in larger battles. So far, for example, my Chaos army-in-progress includes about ten Lovecraftian-themed Nurgle "plague marines," the Abyssal Revenants, and the same number of "Knights Aberrant," a recently-fallen marine band slowly descending toward the Khornate path. This has allowed me to have fun building characterful models with backstories, without feeling like I have to paint 50 models in the same color scheme to play a proper battle. 

Knights Aberrant, WIP

The creepy Abyssal Revenants (a former Deatchwatch team that fell to Nurgle after crashing and languishing on the bottom of an ocean)

A "Chaos Android." These were a real thing back in 2nd edition 40k canon. 

After all, 20 individual Space Marine miniatures, using my approach, brings to the table the same amount of mechanical firepower traditionally delivered by two full Astartes battle companies. Think about that. 

Friday, January 31, 2025

From Paw-Patrol to Plagueburst Crawler/Plague-Mortar Tank: Another Thrift Store kitbash!

 My Lovecraftian/Deep one-themed Plague Marine army gains a new monstrosity! This was a perfectly harmless "Paw Patrol" bulldozer/cement truck toy from the thrift store ... but no more. 

Accompanying the vehicle to show its scale are various "Plague Marines" that I've also been kitbashing. Some of these were 40k Poxwalkers; others involve a more eclectic range of bits bashed together. 

In our home campaign, these were part of a Deathwatch marine team that ended up stranded at the bottom of an alien ocean after a crash ... in desperation, they accepted 'help' from something rather dubious ... then arose as the warband, the "Abyssal Revenants." 

Saturday, January 11, 2025

"Our Plague Marines are Different" -- a heavily converted warband grows...

Here is the core of a "Plague Marine" warband -- just some of the Chaos forces I've been working on lately for games in the 40k setting. EVERYTHING you see here is the result of significant conversion/kitbashing -- or even outright scratchbuilding. This has allowed me to save a huge amount of cash, push my technical modeling skills, and joyously engage in some riotous, experimental creativity. That last element, in particular, was a welcome balm during a challenging personal season this Fall. 

So, what are we looking at here? 

The big boy in the back is the finished result of the crab walker engine I showed as a WIP in a recent post. As you see here, I challenged myself by giving the central chest-panel a sullen glow, as if lit from within by chaotic fires ... and I think I pulled off a successful OSL effect (finally!). This model combines bits harvested from a local thrift store with various greeblies and craft supplies from my bits-box. I think there may be two small GW parts on the whole thing ... the 'official' model that this proxies would have cost me over a hundred bucks locally, but parts for this probably ran to about $5. 

Holding down the flank is the oh-so-toothsome and also scratchbuilt vehicle that "counts-as" a Myphitic Blight-hauler, a heavy-weapons-support munchy monster for plague forces. This, too, is a conglomerate built on chunks of old toys and craft bits from around the house, resting on a dinosaur-head truck toy from the thrift store -- and a LOT of hot glue. The gaping mouth and flickering, blood-drenched tongue are made from hot glue by yours truly, with the ends of toothpicks for fangs. 

And then we have the crowd-pleasing frontmen of our little boy band. From the left:

Fishy-face started life as a hard-working, innocent Reaper Bones Deep One, but then I converted him into a deep sea-themed chosen Plague Marine champion, replete with weapon-arms from the Chaos Terminator Lord kit and a variety of tentacles made from Green Stuff/Kneadatite. 

I felt that he wanted a cape for a touch more distinction, so I got his back tangled up in the remains of a weighted fishing net. Let's not ask what happened to the fisherman. 

Front and center we have something like a Blightlord Terminator, perhaps even something akin to a "Lord of Virulence," though I've kept firmly with a Lovecraftian, deep-abyssal theme over the typical oh-crap-where-can-I-get-vaccinated pox theme. This fella staunchly believes there's no point having a big mouth in your belly when you can keep an entire other fella in your belly! I made this rather elaborate conversion by bashing together a Reaper Bones Stitch Golem with a Cthulhu-esque head from a "Bonesylvanian Lou" model, along with much Green Stuff, various bits from the bits box, and a massive plaguecannon/implausible arm artillery piece that was entirely scratchbuilt, save for some bits of bling on the side. 

I quite like this next recruit. I painted him last night, and haven't done anything to his base yet. 

The Christmas season brought a nice batch of pre-owned Poxwalker models, and I decided to convert one or two into Plague Marines in their own right. This gives a result that fits thematically, even though the figure's profile doesn't at all match the bloated, heavy look common to 40k's Death Guard minis. But I like the way this guy looks; I imagine his flesh and armor have been worn down together over the long ages of his regrettable service. (Perhaps his slight frame and less 'invasive' mutations -- so far -- hint at a more grudging attitude to his chaotic employment ... was he one of those Astartes who fell to Chaos only because the Imperium's unjust madness forced his hand?). 

Well, at least he's thought of something to smile about. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

WIP: Painting the scratchbuilt "Chaos Defiler"

 My last post showed off a proxy 40k Chaos crab-walker engine that I built mostly with just a few bucks' worth of scrap and thrift-store toy parts. I've now got paint on the thing, and not just primer! I'm not done painting it, but I think it's already looking like a pretty good return on the investment for the scratchbuild. 

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Scratchbuilt/Kitbashed 40k Chaos "Defiler"/Crab Walker

 So. To purchase an official GW "Defiler" crab-walker engine for my growing Chaos warband would cost $100 Canadian. Or ... I could build this thing, using greeblies from the trash and bits box and maaaybe $3 in toys from the thrift store. 

And yes, the lower layer was a toy figurine of that spider manager dude from "Monsters, Inc." 

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Scratchbuilt "Rhino" proxy (Chaos Marine transport vehicle)

 As I mentioned last time, things have been kinda rough lately -- but creativity has been a source of great comfort. In particular, despite a hectic year, I've been working on my goal to make 2024 a year of "upping my game" when it comes to crafting. 

Here's a WIP shot of a recent project. My WIP Warhammer Chaos Marine warband, the "Knights Aberrant," were in need of a transport vehicle. Since I have no Rhino or Land Raider model in the right scale, and since I didn't fancy shelling out $$$ for an official kit, I crafted this thing entirely from household junk, bits of old toys or dollar-store crud, hobby supplies, and a really obscene amount of glue and gap-fillers. I still plan to add spikes for the "dozer blade" and a few other bits, but this is pretty much the whole shebang -- sans paint, of course. I'd love to spraypaint this immediately, but below-freezing temps and soaring humidity stats this week don't look very conducive to that goal. Usually, these sorts of things look much better once they have a uniform coat of paint or primer.

This has some rough spots, but I really like it. It's always satisfying to have an ambitious build like this come together ok. 

Initially, I planned to use a larger, used toy vehicle (from the thrift store) and add bits on to make the proxy vehicle. In the end, I decided that other one would be too large. My secret, evil plan is to use these 28mm Chaos Marines as "true-scale" Astartes in games where "mortal" humans, like cultists and imperial guard troopers, come in 1/72 scale. I've been monkeying with the possibilities quite a bit, and I'm very enthusiastic. This lets one deploy a couple stands of multi-based, cheap plastic infantry as a unit, and then use a single Space Marine figure as a "counts-as" squad of its own -- and suddenly, you're saving money, making room for bigger battles, AND making Space Marines finally look and act on the table the way they're "supposed to" in the (contemporary) lore. The plan is to use some of the advanced options in Grimdark Future, which have us covered for this sort of thing (that's an affiliate link, btw). 

Happy gaming!

Friday, November 8, 2024

Where ya been, Gundobad???

 Still here! 

I had hoped that this might be a fairly active year for the blog. As it turned out, however, it's been a really challenging, draining year on the personal front. This mostly involves a lot of overlapping chronic health issues in the household, which have required an enormous amount of time and energy to address on top of the rest of life. Oh, and I'm also writing a passion-project book as part of my 'real world' profession at the same time, so ... all around, it's been a corker of a year. On the flip side, some really good and beautiful things are happening because of all that work and energy-investiture, so I'm paradoxically very grateful for much of what we're experiencing, while also chronically exhausted in my emotional reserves. Recent world events have not diminished the stress levels, either.

With all that in play, I've had to adapt my hobby activities. Running my main campaign got too mentally draining, so it's on hold. Instead, I've transitioned to playing or running the occasional one-shot. However, I've found great comfort in doubling down on the crafting side of the wargaming/minis hobby. Putting down the  scholar's pen and picking up a bunch of material things to work with my hands has proven vitally refreshing this year. I've set myself a goal of "upping my crafting game" this year, and so far I'm really pleased with the results. I've picked up and learned how to use more specialized materials, like Milliput and Green Stuff. I've become far more adventurous, creative, and unorthodox in my approach to kitbashing character minis, vehicles, and terrain. All this has been a source of real comfort during a season that isn't quite so much "bad" as "really hard." 

So: I am still here - and I do NOT consider the blog to be 'on hiatus' - I do have a variety of thoughts about things to share, related both to RPGs and to wargaming. I'm redesigning an old dungeoncrawl of mine for a local community one-shot later this month, on the one hand, and doing some weird things to 40k armies that I absolutely love on the other. :-)  But some of what I hope to share soon will reflect the quirky directions I've been taking things lately. I sometimes hesitate to share my wargaming stuff here, since my sense (possibly inaccurate?) is that my 'readership' are more invested in the RPG side. But anyway, please bear with what I do have to share for a while. :-) 

I'm grateful to all who've kept up an interest in this blog over the years. Cheers, and happy gaming!