Saturday, March 9, 2024

Painted Update - $$-store Birdhouse Turned 40k Imperial Shrine

 As I explained in my last post, this started life as a cheap wooden birdhouse from the dollar store. Add various bits of junk and bitz-box bits, and now it's a minor shrine for the 40k imperial cult. I may still tweak it a bit, but it's now mostly done. 

I wanted to combine a bit of Oldhammer goofiness with a vaguely sinister feeling of faded glory. I think this should help spiff up the table games quite a bit. I almost threw away the handful of birdhouses I purchased dirt-cheap, but after this result, I may convert the other two into something Warhammery as well. 


  1. that's pretty cool. There are also aquarium pieces that would work for various fantasy games and cheaper than minis. There is this large dinosaur skull I keep looking at....

    1. Indeed! We have a rock outcrop/mountain thing that came from the local pet-tank store, along with some plastic jungle foliage. Works really nicely among our home-built terrain.


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